
<ul id="wx3ug"></ul>

    <ul id="wx3ug"></ul>
    <dfn id="wx3ug"><source id="wx3ug"></source></dfn>
    <pre id="wx3ug"></pre>
  1. <div id="wx3ug"></div>
    <dfn id="wx3ug"><td id="wx3ug"><table id="wx3ug"></table></td></dfn>
    <div id="wx3ug"><small id="wx3ug"></small></div>

    Punching/scribing brake discs

    Parameter :

    1. Reduce the overall weight of the brake disc

    2. Good heat dissipation effect and low wind noise

    3. Improve the braking effect and friction performance

    4. The wear of the brake surface can be judged by the depth of the scribe groove